Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Snow and exorcists...

The first order of business: IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not sticking yet, but it's LEGIT snow! I can't believe it...everyone is laughing at my amazement. ; ) What's really weird is that it was 70 degrees out yesterday...I guess this is just another day in Nebraska!

So what else has been happening on campus for us missionaries, aside from the days filled with awesome interactions with students, Bible studies, and prayer? Well, the most recent noteworthy event was the exorcist coming to campus! Here is an article about it:

Fr. Lampert was his name, and he did an awesome job talking to the 600 students that attended! Most of them came out of curiosity, and it was GREAT to have so many students present who couldn't help but come away affirmed that the battle which exists between good and evil is real. Additionally, Father emphasized the importance of fostering a close relationship with God in order to come out of this battle on the winning side! Fr. Lampert was an extraordinary example to all of us in that he has seen God's power over evil in a unique way that most of us haven't, and his being able to share this reality with the students present was great!

One of the things that Fr. Lampert mentioned was the importance of not dabbling in any practices that could invite evil into your life, even if done totally innocently. I think that this was especially good for students to hear about, since this sort of dabbling is so often marketed to us as "innocent fun." Not so much! Father's point of "why do it if you know it's origin is not from God?" was very well taken.

Overall, Father's confidence and peace was an incredible example. He clearly recognizes that God is in control, and that life is about serving Him. Father was very joyful, despite the fact that he has seen and helped multiple people possessed by demons, and the source of his joy, his closeness to God, was very clear and truly awesome! Keep all the students who had the opportunity to hear Father in your prayers!!!

God bless!!

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